Emergency First Aid

Emergency First Aid at Work


The purpose of attending emergency first aid training is to learn the necessary skills and knowledge to provide immediate and appropriate assistance to individuals who are injured or suddenly become ill before professional medical help arrives. Emergency first aid is typically the first level of medical response and is crucial in critical situations where a person's life or health is at risk.

Course Criteria ~ Duration 6 ~ Maximum delegates 12

Taking the lead in an emergency

-  Completing Accident report Forms

-  First aid equipment

-  Assessing an incident

-  Managing an unresponsive casualty (breathing normally)

-  Managing an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing, C.P.R.

-  Recognising & assisting a choking casualty

-  Managing a casualty who is wounded & bleeding

-  Managing a casualty who is in shock

-  Managing minor injuries

-  Seizure Management

-  Consent to Treatment

-  Breaks & Burns

-  Primary & Secondary Survey

-  How to use an AED

-  Delegate practical session

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